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The benefits of putting your time in and growing within a company by Ali Shain

Now a days, many young eager graduates are looking to take the quickest route, solve problems with fastest way, and eliminate starting at the bottom of their career. As a recent graduate, I can testify that there are many more benefits at beginning at the bottom, and working for what you earn. 

In my last semester of graduate school, the world was in a global pandemic. I had no idea if I was going to be able to finish my degree or not. I was blessed that Kidology took me on for my last externship so I could complete my final semester. During this time, I worked under another speech therapist for free. I was told when to be somewhere, what to do, and how to do it. Yes, I was given some freedom in therapy ideas, writing style, etc. When I came in the therapist gave me her schedule and I followed it, that’s it; no questions asked. I took care of notes, planning, and trainings, all of the “boring” stuff. Again, no questions asked. 

In 4 months, I learned more than I could ever imagined, and was blessed to be offered a job post graduation. I remember being so excited, and I truly felt that I earned it. I was offered the opportunity to complete my CFY (clinical fellowship year) within the company. This is an opportunity that is not easy to come by. In your CFY you are compensated, but still almost in the “intern” position, where you need to pick up the slack at times. However, now a days, therapists (CFYs) and others, are coming in asking for positions that are of someone who has been working for 2-3 years. Let me tell you, the most I learned has been from having to pick up the slack at times.
Now I am in my last 2 weeks of my CFY. I cannot believe how much I have grown and learned since starting with Kidology back in my final externship. I have now been with Kidology since August of 2020 (1 year and 2 months). I have completed my final semester of graduate school and my CFY here. By working my way up the ladder, I have now earned myself a position with benefits and a salary. I felt confident and proud to be moving up the way I did because I know I truly earned it. By sticking through the “not so fun stuff” I learned more than I would have. I started at the most bottom spot you possibly can, and it helped me to learn the ins and outs of the field and the company, 

Now people want stuff right from the bat and want to be in charge, but it is time to take a deep breath and realize, you can’t do that. Nothing good comes easy, and the best of things take time.  As mentioned earlier, I have been with Kidology now for over a year: the first 4 months were for free, and then following 8-9 unpredictable due to cancelations and what not, but that’s what it’s about; putting your time in and LEARNING AND GROWING!!