Your child’s education is important. While math, reading, history, and science are vital for their academic development, children need more for healthy development. Enrichment programs such as art, music, and STEM provide additional opportunities for students. Here are 10 ways that students can benefit from these programs before, during, and after school.
Gaining Exposure to Different Teaching Styles
Academic learning tends to follow specific teaching styles in school. Enrichment programs, however, offer different ways for teachers to teach and students to learn. Exposure to different styles helps expand a student’s understanding of subjects and become better all-around learners.
Individual Attention
Because enrichment programs use smaller class sizes, students receive individual attention. This can help children address specific questions they have about a subject so they can learn.
Kids Learn New and Interesting Topics
Enrichment programs expand beyond the academic basics, exposing children to art, music, other languages, and more advanced topics in math and science. They don’t just learn new topics, however. Often enrichment topics help them build on what they learn in their academic school day.
Self-Paced Learning
Since enrichment programs don’t use academic grading, they don’t come with the same pressure children feel in school. The individual attention instructors can provide in these programs also allows children to learn at their own pace, building confidence.
Improved Grades
The improved confidence that children feel when they can learn at their own pace benefits them academically as well. Children who participate in enrichment programs tend to perform better academically. These programs also benefit low-income students as they expose them to learning opportunities they would otherwise not receive.
Personal Development and Growth
Beyond improved grades and confidence, students in enrichment programs experience greater personal growth. These programs tap into their creativity and give them chances at self-reflection and self-exploration.
Opportunity for Self-Expression
Enrichment programs like art, music, and dance provide opportunities for students to express themselves. This self-expression is one of the reasons these programs help build confidence, improve grades, and lead to better personal development.
Improved Social Skills
The opportunities for small group and peer-to-peer learning that comes with enrichment programs also improve students’ social skills. Because these programs are less structured than an academic classroom, students can engage with their peers better. Group learning also helps them build cooperative skills.
Opportunity to Apply What They Learn
Enrichment programs are often structured around learning and performing – learning to draw and then drawing, for example. This helps children connect learning with actionable consequences, something that helps them improve their grades as well. Some enrichment programs, such as creative writing programs and STEM, also allow children the opportunity to apply their academic learning.
Academic Competitiveness
Enrichment programs offer students more learning opportunities and broader exposure to subjects. This gives them a boost when applying for college later. These additional opportunities can also make them more competitive when they begin their careers.
Kidology offers Enrichment for Your Child’s Development
If you’re looking for an early intervention agency in Huntingdon Valley PA, contact us today. We’ll be happy to discuss your child’s needs and our services to match you with the perfect program.