Occupational Therapy

Occupational Therapy

Are you worried that your child is falling behind on their developmental milestones? Is your child struggling with fine or gross motor skills? Kidology, Inc offers occupational therapy in Philadelphia for children of all ages. 

What is Occupational Therapy?

Occupational therapy (OT) covers treatments involving fine and gross motor skills. In OT, your child will work on skills to improve everyday tasks such as writing, dressing, grooming, and other activities. 

What Areas Does Occupational Therapy Cover?

Occupational therapy covers a wide range of activities, from gross motor control to fine motor skill development, to developing and improving hand-eye coordination. Below are some of the more common areas of occupational therapy. 

Developmental Delay

A child can experience developmental delays – falling behind common milestones for their age – for a variety of reasons. Some examples of developmental delays that occupational therapy can address include, 

  • Being unable to sit, crawl, or walk
  • Not learning physical tasks at an age-appropriate level
  • Not performing an age-appropriate play or social skills

Fine Motor Skills

Fine motor skills are the movements we make with our fingers, toes, wrists, lips, or tongue. These are activities that require directed coordination such as picking up, holding, and using objects. Some of the fine motor skills occupational therapy can help your child achieve include, 

  • Manipulating toys and puzzles
  • Holding and using common objects like pencils and scissors
  • Using silverware and other utensils at an age-appropriate level
  • Performing fine grooming and dressing skills
  • Drawing, writing, or coloring
  • Developing hand-dominance
  • Other tasks that require fine motor skills

Gross Motor Skills

Gross motor skills are the movements that involve our arms, legs, and other body parts. Gross motor skills are what enable us to move and maintain strength and balance. Our occupational therapists will help your child with movements and skills including, 

  • Using stairs
  • Coordinating both sides of their body
  • Developing their left-right conception
  • Balance skills
  • Muscle toning
  • Climbing and other tasks that have their feet leave the ground
  • Other gross motor skill tasks and activities

Play Skills

Play skills help children to learn and make sense of the world around them. Through play, a child learns to develop problem-solving and social skills as well as develop their self-confidence. Some of the play skills occupational therapy can help improve include, 

  • Initiating play
  • Imitative play
  • Aimless wandering
  • Appropriate play with toys
  • Joining in with play activities
  • Sharing and taking turns

These are only some of the areas occupational therapy can cover. Our occupational therapists also work with sensory development, social skills, and other fine and gross motor skill development and activities. If your child needs motor skill training, contact us today for an evaluation.

Kidology, Inc
Occupational Therapy and Motor Skill Training for Children
Serving Philadelphia, Huntingdon Valley, PA and Miami, FL.