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Fun and Educational Activities for Kids: Bringing Home Learning

School is only one way to educate your child. Several educational and fun at-home activities will help expand their horizons. These activities can cater to various age groups and interests.

Here are some activity suggestions that will encourage learning beyond school hours.

Sunflower Word Creation

This activity is ideal for children who are learning how to spell.

  1. Start with a brightly colored paper plate. Write the letters of the alphabet along its rim.
  2. Take a sturdy piece of paper, such as cardstock. The paper must be larger than the plate. Cut it into a circle. Cut the edges into ‘petals’. Write two-letter combinations that are easy to make into words, such as ‘an’ and ‘at’.
  3. Fasten the paper to the plate using a pipe cleaner or a similar instrument that allows your child to rotate the paper behind the plate.
  4. Allow your child to rotate the paper to make word combinations.

Backyard Treasure Hunt

A backyard treasure hunt will sharpen your child’s attention to detail. Make the game even more educational by using a map or clues to help them locate the items. They will improve your child’s reading or map-learning skills.  

Word Memory Game 

Many of us are familiar with the classic memory game. Players are required to continue turning over cards until they find matches. Use words instead of images to improve your child’s memory and word recognition skills.

Educational Activities for Kids 2

Bottle Cap Math Game

The bottle cap math game will build your child’s basic mathematical skills.

  1. Place a sticker on the top of a bottle cap with a simple, unsolved mathematic equation.
  2. Write the solution under the bottle cap.
  3. Spread the bottle caps on the floor top end up so the unsolved equations are showing.
  4. Your child must solve the equations. Then, they can look under the bottle cap to see if they are correct.
  5. If they are correct, they can keep the bottle cap. The player with the most bottle caps at the end of the game wins.

Sidewalk Chalk Letters

Kids can boost their creativity with a chalk set and a sidewalk. For this game, you will make a grid. Write letters of the alphabet in each square. Have your child hop from letter to letter to spell words.

Pipe Cleaner Constellations

Your child will have fun learning the constellations when they get to shape them out of pipe cleaners and beads. Provide your child with cards that depict each constellation. Have them use the materials to create the constellation shapes. They will learn the solar system in no time.

Story Map

A story map will teach children how to craft stories. Create one on paper with spaces for the setting, characters, and the plot’s beginning, middle, and end. Have them start with their favorite stories. After they get used to the formula, encourage them to create their own stories.

Take Them to Kidology

Kidology provides learning experiences outside of the classroom. Our PlaySpace offers therapeutic play for your child. Our speech therapy, special instruction, physical therapy, occupational therapy, behavior services, and parent and child groups will help them reach their developmental milestones.

Contact us to learn more about our educational opportunities for children.

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