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How Playspace at Kidology Helps Children in Their Development

Kidology is a special education school for child development. We help children reach their developmental milestones. We offer speech therapy, special instruction, physical therapy, occupational therapy, behavior services, and parent/child groups.

One of our most effective resources is our indoor playground. It is a unique indoor pediatric sensory gym that helps children reach their developmental goals. This article will review some of the features it offers.

What Skills Does the Playspace Gym Encourage?

Children who engage at the Kidology Playspace will develop the following skills:

  • Social Awareness: Social awareness involves empathizing and understanding the perspective of others, especially those with different cultures and backgrounds. Children will interact with young ones and adults to raise their awareness. It will prepare them for various social situations.  
  • Communication: Children at Playspace must communicate with others to express their needs and feelings. These interactions will boost their self-confidence and improve their social skills.
  • Sensory Processing: The various equipment stimulates the children’s senses helping them develop their sense of sight, sound, and touch. They can combine the information from these interactions to make sense of the world and move through it with fewer challenges.
  • Visual Motor Skills: Visual motor skills relay information gleaned from sight to other body parts.
  • Gross Motor Skills: These involve large muscle movements. They are integral to crawling, sitting, walking, and running.
  • Fine Motor Skills: These involve smaller muscle movements involved in grasping, drawing, and similar activities.

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Embraces Individuality

Children can explore the areas of Playspace individually or work with a therapist. A therapist will assist in creating experiences tailored to your child’s needs. They will integrate a learn-and-play model that helps build confidence and self-esteem.

The therapist can also engage your child in fun gym activities, such as our play kitchen and Play-Doh shaping classes and social groups.

Specialized Play Equipment

The gym has specialized play equipment designed to be safe and mentally and physically stimulating. Items include:

  • Rock climbing walls
  • Monkey bars
  • Ziplines
  • A light-up sensory board
  • Ladders
  • Trapeze bars
  • Tunnels
  • Slides

Your child will have a fun learning experience.


Is Playspace Accessible?

Playspace is ADA-compliant and wheelchair accessible. It is also easy to reach by public transportation. It is within walking distance of many schools and centers. It offers ample parking space.

Can I Stay with My Child While They Play?

Yes. Parents and guardians must be present during Playspace playtime and therapy sessions. There are designated benches and mat seating areas where parents can stay while their child plays. Parents are not permitted to participate with their children to ensure safety.

Does Playspace Have Age Limitations?

Playspace welcomes infants and children from 01-12 years old.

Playspace offers a fun environment for children to learn and develop. Your child will have a terrific time honing their communication and motor skills. Contact us to get more information or schedule a tour of the facility.

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